Saturday, June 20, 2020

"It Happened"

Some fan-art of eberkonig's fantastic Hollyleaf PMV on Youtube! I've always loved weird color palettes, surreal imagery, and good song choice, and that video has it all! I've been enamored with it almost since it came out in 2019. One scene in particular stood out to me for reasons that I honestly don't quite understand -- this one:

She just looks so quiet and contemplative, and so sad. There's so much emotion there with almost no facial features even being shown. So, I decided to redraw it. It was lots of fun! I guess Wolf just put me in the mood for lineless MS Paint drawings with Warrior Cats in them -- although this one I did not draw with my fingers. Although my art tablet is acting up again... So maybe I'll have to start doing so again in the future.

"The Wolf"

I explain more about the video itself in its Youtube description, considering it went up there first. However, it can generally be summed up as: I love Hollyleaf, so I made an AU. Here's a video set in that AU, with some funky colors and cool music.

The pinnacle of creativity.

In all honesty, though, this did take some work to get done, and it seems to have paid off -- this is by far one of the most popular things I've ever uploaded across any platform! Thanks so much, everyone who took the time to watch this video and comment on it! You guys are the best, and the positive reception has just melted my heart and made me so happy. We're all bound together by our shared love of Hollyleaf and weird colors.

The Grouchiest Gardener

Horrible man. Pretty flowers.

Nobles is very fun to draw. A simple little thing that I made after working through some art block I'd been having. I kinda checked out on drawing the background here, but I think it looks alright overall. For those curious, those flowers behind him are blue hydrangeas, which are his zodiac flower according to the Marriest zodiac! They're much too pretty for him, if you ask me.

Character Web

Does the Platform perplex you? Do you have no idea who anyone is and how they relate to other people! This probably won't do squat for the former, but it might fix the latter a little! Here's most of the major Platform characters, and how they relate to one another.

Everyone on the Platform knows each other, apparently.

(I... I'm not tagging all these guys. The combined length of all their names is apparently over 200 characters.)

"Saving Throw"

Seconds before Veraldas just straight-up murders some dude.

I don't make a lot of lineless drawings, though this makes me want to make more of them! It was a fun exercise, especially while sticking with that green palette. Vera generally seems to be my go-to when experimenting stylistically -- I guess just because I have a good idea of what her face looks like? Here, she's using her magic to fling her giant floaty emeralds at someone trying to assassinate her priest brother. The assassin does not complete their job.

You know, I look up more references of the venous system on a regular basis than I would expect.

"Airstream Dream"

There's more information on Youtube about the actual plot of this thing, but as it is, I'm just happy that it exists. This makes the second big animation I've ever produced! It was very exciting. Also, timing those wiggling silhouettes was murder on Windows Movie Maker. Hopefully for future projects, I can get my new sophisticated animation software working, yeah? Although... If I just end up using WMM in the next animation... You'll know what happened.

"Kicking and Screaming"

Soylent was a naturally rebellious kid in a very strict household. And then his dad had him made Sehen, which is a position that requires immense self-control, self-reflection, and discipline, or will potentially lead to violence and a bad time for all those involved.

It went about as well as you could expect.

Platinum Team

My Platinum team! One of my most favorite teams I've ever put together, both functionally and aesthetically. Also name-wise! Naming 'mons is serious business. Notice they all start with different letters and end on different sounds, as well as having a deeper meaning (Hershey like a Hershey's Kiss, since she's a togekiss, Voltaire being an electric type, Melusine being a beautiful sea cryptid, and Emiliano... I dunno. Sounding sort of like oregano, I guess? I ran out of steam on that one).

This was actually the first time that I played through Pokemon Platinum, and I had such a blast! The fourth generation is my favorite (definitely not because it was the first generation I started playing, no sirree) -- I think the aesthetic is so wonderful, and I love the region, the mythos, the pokedex, and the sprites of all the pokemon. 3D models may be better from a technical perspective... But there's something so charming and wonderful about the original sprites. I actually find myself replaying the older games more often than the new ones because of that. But anyway -- my first game was Pokemon Diamond, which I played and loved. However, I got it just a little before Pokemon Platinum was announced. This new version always looked so awesome and interesting from the trailers, but since games are expensive and I was young, I never actually bought it, which I always regretted. So, years later, I felt a wash of nostalgia and went looking for a Platinum cart up for sale... And I found one! Plaything through Platinum was worth the almost decade-long wait.


Rimewell, lookin' extra spiffy! The guy deserved an update, considering that the last reference I drew for him is from 2017. His design is one of my favorites! I love plating, lots of arms, spikes, suits, teeth, big ol' ears... And he has 'em all! Very fashionable.

He's also one of the few Platform characters not to wear both a shirt and pants. I think we can forgive him... That'd be a lot of arm holes...

Money Bath

In which Morty embarrasses himself. Effectively endless funds, a big ego, and a complete lack of any idea how to deal with those two things is a dangerous combination, so I suppose this is probably one of the better things that could have happened.

I'd love to make a multi-chapter comic about these two someday! Something that delves deeper into their backstories and growth. Their story is a fun one.

"Giratina Used Fly!"

I've always had a soft spot for origin form giratina (to the point where I spent about a year of my life SRing for the shiny version... Which I did eventually get!), and even though the big ghost leviathan wasn't part of my team in my Platinum replay, I always kept it in my party. As my fly user. I just wish that the HM cut-scenes were specific to the pokemon you were using, because we seriously missed out on this pink-clad preteen riding through sunny blue skies on a tentacled monstrosity.

This was a quicker drawing, but was very fun! It was good practice for more complex figures, since giratina is, well, complex.

Alien Species Concepts

Still not pictures from today, but much more recent! And all these descriptions will be modern! Exciting!

I just really like drawing aliens. These guys are a part of that! From left to right, top to bottom, we have Alriah, Exe, Sammy, Koteroi, and Tylingo! The crew of a small space ship from a sci-fi story that I've sorta been wanting to write since I was a kid. Haven't gotten to it yet, but maybe I will someday!

A fun fact -- everyone on the bottom row is actually based on creatures I made in Spore when I was young! Anyone remember Spore? I remember Spore. I've read in modern times that most people didn't like it very much, but my gosh, I loved that game. That game was a massive part of my life for several years, and got me into both video games and aliens, and I'm sure it also helped instill a desire to get better at character design, 3D work, and biology. As for the top row, Alriah is from a short story (which was basically just a skin for an exposition dump on the fundamental physics of pulsars) that I wrote in middle-school science. Exe, on the other hand, is just a big photosynthetic dinosaur that I came up with one day. 

"Not Mine"

Any good Warriors fan should remember the fire scene (well, if they read the third series, at least). Such a dramatic, climatic moment that the whole of Power of Three had been building to! And including some of my favorite characters, given how much I love the Holly, Lion, Jay trio. The three all had their own qualms with their mom not really being their biological mom, I think. This is a bit of my own characterization seeping into my read of the scene, but I've always pictured that Hollyleaf was most worried about the lawful implications of the whole thing, Jayfeather was furious at Squirrelflight for lying to them (because we all know that his trust doesn't come easy), and Lionblaze, the big softie that he is, is just worried about how this will affect their relationship and their family. Hopefully, I captured that in their faces!

This drawing was originally supposed to be set after the fire, in a smoky, burned forest. But I didn't do that. I don't actually remember why that change happened (probably just because I like interesting lighting, if I know anything about myself), but it is responsible the fact that Holly and Lion are sitting down in the middle of a fire, because I never bothered to change their poses. So only Jay is really as concerned as he ought to be about this whole "engulfed in fire" thing.