About Me!

Hey there!

You can call me Brennan! Being that that's, y'know, my name.
I'm a pretty normal twenty-something novice artist who lives in America with my cats and my snake.
I have two cats: Evie, who's a shy dilute tortoiseshell, and Zipzip, who's in the picture and is small and affectionate.
I also have a ball python named Rook!
I've had fish, rats, dogs, more cats, and crayfish as pets in the past, and I've loved all of them.
My favorite animals are genets. If you haven't heard of them, look them up.
I like to draw, write, and appreciate the wonders of the world around us! I also love biology with a burning passion, especially things like anatomy and speculative biology. 
I like to play some video games, mainly story-rich ones, puzzle games, or simulation games. Or Pokemon. Pokemon holds a special place in my heart.
I collect rocks! All sorts of them. I have about forty at the moment, and my favorite type of rock is pallesite.
At the moment, I work as a math and science tutor!
I have around ten pairs of the same pants and ten of the same shirts, just in different colors. I'm a walking cartoon character.
My favorite colors are in the range from green to blue, as evidenced by my shirt.
I don't swear, I just shout "DRAT" really loudly. This makes it difficult to write angry dialogue and have it not suffer from "gosh dang it to heck!" syndrome.
If I try to play any sort of sport, I may or may not combust.
Buildings are stupid and hard to draw. But dang, do they look good.
My general philosophy is that people should love and care about each other, even if they don't have the same viewpoints! I'm not a hippie, I swear.
I'm the kind of person who, if they look into something enough, they can usually find something interesting about it. As such, there aren't many things that I don't find cool on some level!

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