How do you make your art?
I make most of my digital drawings with either MS Paint or Photoshop Elements (which I only have because it came with my first tablet that I got years and years ago). For the animated stuff, I've been using OpenToonz! It's much better than Windows Movie Maker, which I used for my earlier stuff. I also wrote a tutorial (a very, very simple one) for it! 3D wise, I work in Blender!

When did you start drawing?
I've been drawing pretty much since I was able to hold a pencil! I've had a lot of practice across all my years of living! Very little formal training, though. I've never attended any real art classes or art schools. I've absorbed most of my art skill through osmosis, apparently, which probably explains a few things.

What is this "Platform" thing you keep taking about?
I'm glad you asked.
In all seriousness, it's a fictional world-building project that I work on that takes up probably unreasonable amounts of my free time. It's a world isolated on a floating hunk of earth full of all kinds of weird creatures and people. Sometimes they get along, sometimes they don't. I mainly follow a few story lines in particular (Blik and Vera's, Morty and Everest's, Janus and Nobles', and Caeder's, though there are lots more). It's got comics! Check it out.

Is there anything upsetting on here?
I'd say that I keep the things that would be generally upsetting to a minimum. There'll never be photos of anything graphic, I don't draw nudity, and I don't even cuss, so it's all pretty tame.  However, across my blog you can find things like situations of general distress, photos and drawings of bugs and reptiles (since I know some people don't like 'em), some violence, and some gore and blood (which I do tag with the "gore warning" label). My comics on the Platform website have their own content warnings attached to them.

Can I repost / sell / edit / use / whatever your art?
I'd really prefer you didn't -- sorry! I spend a lot of time on this stuff, and it's all very dear to me. Seeing other people use it as their own tends to bother me, even with credit. I'd rather just keep it all here.

Can I make fan-art inspired by your art or characters?
Now this is an entirely different matter: yes!! I love it when people make art inspired by my work, it fills my heart with endless joy! Feel free to post your art wherever you like, though I'd prefer a link back to me along with it if possible, especially if it uses my characters. Oh, and please send me a link -- I'd love to see it. : )

Could you draw something for me? / Do you take comissions?
My art inspiration is fickle on the best of days and I'm already really busy, so I don't have a ton of time to draw at the moment. So the answer is, sadly, no.

Is your art for sale anywhere?
Nope! I mean, if there's massive amounts of demand (which I don't anticipate) I could potentially put up prints for sale, but for the time being, the potential reward just isn't worth the effort of getting things up there.

Can I ask you another question?
For sure! Use the contact form in the side bar. Feel free to ask about any of my stuff, I love answering questions! Do keep it civil, though -- civility is appreciated. : )

Why do you update so slowly?
Because inspiration is a cruel mistress. Not unlike the sea. But much less wet.

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