Tuesday, May 19, 2020

"Grandmaster Juno"

"I've been playing a lot of Fire Emblem this summer. As a result, I've grown pretty attached to several of the in-game characters, one of which I decided to draw here. Her name is Juno, and she's the protagonist (who you can customize a bit, hence why she has a different name and appearance than someone else's player character might).

This pose gave me a lot of trouble... It was very, very stubborn. Originally I wanted both of her hands to be grasping her sword, but I had already drawn and detailed her entire body besides her right arm, and I realized that there was no way to have that arm hold her sword and still look natural. Because I really didn't want to redraw the entire thing, I settled for this pose instead. I kind of like it better, though, because it shows off more of her electricity magic (sure, in-game she'd need a tome for that, but we're just gonna call it artistic license)."

 - 2016 Brennan

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