Tuesday, May 19, 2020

"A Beautiful Day"

"Of course, he's probably appreciate it more if he wasn't stranded on a desert island.

Man, that cliff face was so hard to do.... Have I mentioned I hate drawing rocks? I hate drawing rocks. And that overturned boat, too -- the trees -- man, there was a ton of really hard-to-draw things in this picture. For it being so difficult, I'm pretty happy with how it turned out over all. The cliff face still isn't the best, but I decided it was good enough and moved on.

Mr. L looks incredibly unamused."

 - 2016 Brennan

There's a relatively small amount of evidence that this project even existed. You're looking at the only real thing that came out of it.

It was a very short-lived thing that I worked on during the summer of 2016 about a guy (who I dubbed "Mr. L") who was stranded on Raoul Island, an island south of New Zealand. I did a whole in-depth study for this thing -- I researched ship routes, the island's ecosystem (did you know that Raoul island has a problem with a population of feral cats?), history of travel to the island, climate across the year... I even drew my own map of the island and labeled where his camp would be.

For all of my research, though, there was no actual product, aside from this one drawing and a handful of sketches. But it was still fun to do.

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