Tuesday, May 19, 2020

"Bottled Cider"

"Now if only his last name was "Apple".

This was a fun picture to draw (and not just because I could be lazy on the background). I like the way that his feathers look overall -- I tried a new way to draw them because drawing them hyper-realistically like I attempted to in the last picture of Cider ended up just looking sloppy. I'm much more fond of his simplified feathers. They also look greener, and I like the contrast. And now everyone can see my horrible handwriting, yaaay!

Cider has also changed a TON in the last two years. I mean, look at his face in this picture and the last one. Compare them. Seriously. In the first one, he's smug and obviously thinks he's superior to everyone on the Platform. And then look at him in this one! "Hey guys! I'm in a bottle! How cool is that?!""

 - 2016 Brennan

Back before I changed his name to Caeder! The joke was funnier then.

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