Tuesday, May 19, 2020

"Weaponized Insanity"

"It's just the blind leading the blind, really. Or the certifiable leading the certifiable.

Nobles is a horrible person. Really horrible. Murder-people-who-speak-ill-of-him horrible. And he needed an accomplice in his crimes, so naturally he went for Soylent, who was already thoroughly insane enough to do whatever he said without any reason. Nobles sent him to "take care of" whoever he didn't want around anymore, and the Sehen did so without question. When Soylent eventually got caught in the process of tearing someone apart, Nobles denied any involvement and let him take the fall, throwing him out like yesterday's trash.

So I've had art block for what feels like eighty years. It's been tough -- I've wanted to draw, but just lacked any inspiration. But I think I'm getting back on track with this horrifying drawing of these two freaks of nature! What a way to start 2017. I had no idea of what to do for the background of this picture, and that's usually what gets me, but I was able to come up with something I'm pretty pleased with!"

 - 2017 Brennan

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