Tuesday, May 19, 2020

"The Cardinal Drammer Rex"

"Skylette, also called the Cardinal Drammer Rex (since she was the first Drammer to rule over Rett), wearing her armor. It's heavily based off of the armor of Roman legionaries, with a bit of my own twist put on it. Since she weighs about a half-ton and most of that is muscle, she has no problem carrying all of that brass. And, for reference, that spear she's holding is 10 feet long.

I had to look up a lot of references to draw that armor, so I got pretty familiar with Roman-era garb for those few days. Funnily enough, a couple days after I had began this drawing we started a mini-project in my World History class where we had to draw a roman gladiator, complete with armor, based on what comes to mind when we think "gladiator" (which is often at least a bit inaccurate). I think I might've had a bit of an unfair advantage for that project.

I love the texture and shading on this one! Metal is hard to draw, but I think I did a good job here. I also like the yellow-blue contrast. And her muscles (which, sadly, the armor covers up a bit)."

 - 2016 Brennan

Nowadays, she'd be known as Scaelette, rex una Drammarum! Thanks, Latin courses.

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