Thursday, May 28, 2020

The Church Grim

"Has anyone played Year Walk? It’s an excellent game that’s not terrifying, but has a good dose of horror. I’ve played it several times now, and I just did my last run of it on New Year’s Eve (which is a very interesting experience, since it’s when the game takes place and it adds to the haunting feeling of it all). I thought it might be fun to try to draw one of the creatures from the game, since they’re all very neat to look at, so have a quick sketch of the Church Grim.

(As a side note, cloth that drapes on the ground is a real pain to draw. I’m still learning how to get it to look right. Also, we can just ignore the fact that there’s some real weirdness going on with the proportions of the Grim’s arms under that cloak. Look at the pretty goat face. it will distract you.)"

 - 2018 Brennan

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