Thursday, May 28, 2020

"Tangerine Grit”

"A quick drawing to recover from drawing the same thing for three months.

Anyway, this is Morty just after his “birth” in the desert – fresh desert-borns have nothing but themselves, some rudimentary knowledge (in most cases) and a black-and-white blanket on their backs.

I tried some new things in this picture: particularly, using no lineart (something that’s very alien to me, since I usually rely heavily off of it and really enjoy drawing it), using a limited number of colors (I think it ended up being six), and only shading using cell methods and some gradients. It turned out well for an experimental piece!

(Psssst – Shameless plug alert – If you want to know more about this guy, there’s a comic about him on my website.)"

 - 2018 Brennan

That comic's still up there.

Y'know, just sayin'.

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