Monday, May 25, 2020

"Yesterday was Better"

"A drawing that I’ve been working on since September, and that I just finished today! It took so long… But I think it’s worth it! I’m super happy with it! My wrist is less happy.

Anyway, the picture focuses on Blik, a character of mine, contemplating his place in his religious faith. What a cheery topic!"

 - 2018 Brennan

This drawing took almost five months, jeez... This ended up being a running trend, because since then all of my portrait art has taken at least two months (and often even longer). This was also the start of when I began to flesh out the Rimean religion as a whole! I started looking at what kinds of trends are common in eastern buildings (dark and very light raw wood, arches, stained glass, bevels), which symbolic elements are present (the butcher's knife, showing death, and the quaragen, that black square thingy which represents life as the space between birth and death), and (less obvious in this drawing) but what attitudes towards life and religious figures are present in the religion.

Blik's attitudes, at least for most of his young life, were... Conflicted. He never wanted to be the Sehen, and was manipulated into the position, so it was a difficult journey coming to terms with it and learning that it was actually something that he enjoyed being a part of. After that, though, he felt that he had some big, big shoes to fill. And, like, fourteen of them. Or gloves. Because Rimewell just has a bunch of hands. You get the picture.

Also also, this was my first real attempt at trying to draw architecture in any real capacity, and I think it worked out alright! I consulted my woodworker dad about those pine knots. I'm just glad that I got the stained glass looking like actual stained glass... It took many, many attempts to get it to look good.

Also also also, I manged to get this in my college's newspaper. Woohoo! the first time I've ever done anything like that.

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