Thursday, May 28, 2020


"I took a day-long break from comic-ing (I’m on page 37 – officially over halfway done! Two pages per day is a tough pace to keep up in the long run, though – it really wears you out.) to produce a warped Bludmar. Because warps are never not fun to draw, in a weird way.

This is a re-draw of an older piece that I did before Bludmar’s design and story were really cemented. The old one looked like this!

I’d say this version is an improvement, yeah? Much more pleasing to look at… If warps ever can be pleasing to the eye.

Anyway, both this old version of warped Bludmar and her current version have one story beat in common – she was driven insane by her hemokinesis, which resulted in her essentially becoming a telekinetic vampire, ripping blood out of people’s bodies in order to add to her own mass of it. She was eventually put down by her own children in order to keep her from hurting anybody else.


 - 2018 Brennan

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