Thursday, May 28, 2020

End of the Old Blog Art!

That's it -- we're done! We're still not quite caught up to today, though. I have some art that I made between when I stopped my blog in early 2019 and when I started this one, so I'll have to upload that  (with new, modern descriptions from yours truly! Exciting!)

Thanks for bearing with me through all this. See ya!

"Washed up Already"

"I wanted to try something a little different! I just chose a simple color palette, practiced some simple two point perspective, and scribbled this into being. It’s college-age Vera, living through what I think everyone who’s ever gone to college has felt at some point – that early-morning, almost weirdly tranquil anxiety of trying to sort out all the things you’ve gotta get to work on. Inspired by the song it’s titled after!"

 - 2019 Brennan

Here's the song, by the way!


"Becoming a Sehen results in many changes: some of them pretty obvious, some of them… Less so.

(This is a simple little comic I made as a way to decompress and just have fun practicing exaggerated expressions. It’s also an excuse to draw some Blik and Vera – I love these guys. In the last comic he was in, Blik smiled maybe once, so this is a nice change of pace.)"

 - 2019 Brennan

Getting a Kick out of It

"I don’t think that there’s any possible way to give enough context for this to make sense or be funny without monologuing for paragraphs and paragraphs, so I’m just gonna post it as is. Have Nobles getting kicked in the face by Alka – not as something that happens in cannon, but as more of a metaphor for something that actually does. Even if it doesn’t have much humor value by itself, I’m proud of the poses!"

 - 2019 Brennan

Because drawing her flipping him off is a bit too literal for my tastes.


"My player character from Starbound, Arcadia! My glowy, uptight, angry novakid. She’s got sweet copper greaves (that took an eternity to find in-game, I should add… So many wilderness biomes *shudder*) – I just went and had a field day with the shading on those, and on her scarf thing. Her game sprite is in the corner!

(A tip for anyone else who likes to play Novakids and wishes that there was more brand variety – you can just make your own by choosing no brand on character creation and then just making a brand as a custom hat using Hatter. Though then there’s the downside of not being able to wear an actual hat, I ‘spose… But you could add it into the sprite if there was one in particular you really wanted.)"

 - 2019 Brennan

The Three

"I can’t. Stop. Drawing. Cats.

So have Jayfeather, Hollyleaf, and Lionblaze, the wonder triplets! Drawn, like their foster mother before them, on MS Paint. I have no idea how Jayfeather got his scar so nicely angular or how Hollyleaf found some heavy-duty adhesive to stick those holly berries onto her head with, but hey, sometimes you just have to make sacrifices for aesthetic value."

- 2019 Brennan


"More Warriors stuff, huh?

I’ve been away from home without my tablet for a while, but I was still desperately wanting to draw… So have an angry Squirrelflight, who was possible thanks to the wonders of MS Paint’s curve tool.

The fact that it’s a picture of her, as well as her expression, was probably because I was looking through lots of people’s renditions of the fire scene before I drew this. It’s neat to see how different people interpret the same scene!"

 - 2019 Brennan

Believe me, Warriors will be a continued trend through 2019 and 2020. In times of uncertainty, you return to what's familiar. Apparently, for me, familiarity is books about fighting cats living in societies in the woods.

"Tiny Twins"

"I wanted to draw something simple and sweet, so have little Vera reading a book to her brother while the two snack on some gingerbread. It was fun to get to draw them as young kids – they’re maybe four to five here – especially since little Blik looks so different as a child! Starks are a fun species. They both still have the exact same haircuts, though."

 - 2019 Brennan

I also managed to get this one in a magazine! That was fun. I hope I still have a copy of it somewhere -- I'm not actually 100% positive I ever grabbed one for myself...

A Simple Blik

"A simple Blik. This guy is fun to draw (being that suits and sharp teeth are two of my favorite design elements, and he has them both)."

 - 2018 Brennan

Nothing has changed since then.

The Chromatica Gods

"Some more Chromatica stuff! Here are all six of the gods, which each preside over (and can’t leave) their own zones. In, well, rainbow order, we have Mania, Agape, Stroge, Pragma, Ludus, and Eros. Their elemental affinities are pretty apparent!

For some background, these guys weren’t always gods. Initially, they were acolytes for an eldrich-horror-y monstrosity, who had created humans for amusement. Considering that this previous god really didn’t give a hoot about humanity and treated them like people might treat Sims (”Ooh, how long will one of them last if I lock them in a room without food or water?”), people… Weren’t happy. The six acolytes, tired of seeing their friends tortured and murdered for the god’s amusement, killed it and took its symbols – the source of its power – for themselves. These symbols, as long as they’re attached, give them different elemental powers, extreme longevity, immortality, and also make them glow really bright colors. This was fine and dandy for a bit, but humans aren’t really built to handle that much power, so these gods are a bit, uh, unstable from time to time.

I’m having a lot of fun with the world-building for this universe, even if I’m not sure what I’m gonna end up doing with it. But hey, what’s fun is fun, even if it doesn’t have a point, right? I’d like to make a map of the various zones (they’re all based on colors, of course) at some point, too, so we’ll see how that goes!"

 - 2018 Brennan

"The Sehens"

"Why are all the actual paintings I make so tall?

Anyway, this is a quicker thing, but I’m happy with it anyway! I wanted to showcase all of the Sehens (well, half of them are only silhouettes, but still). From left to right and top to bottom, they’re Rimewell, Ellesheba, Octalabrous, Alkavire, Soylent, and Blikivallian."

 - 2018 Brennan

And then I just never stopped drawing Sehens.

Brumation? Or Vacation?

"My skink is brumating! I miss her a lot – it’s weird to have a pet that just kind of… Checks out for several months on end. Meanwhile, my family have been joking that she must be vacationing elsewhere for the winter, so have a colored sketch of tourist Tillie.

For those curious, here’s what she actually looks like!

She’s pretty over-exposed in this picture, but I hope her lizardy beauty comes through! She’s such a cutie! Has quite the attitude, though… But we love her anyway, huffs and all!"

 - 2018 Brennan

"Hallia Family Portrait"

"And here we have another picture that took months and months! I’ve been working on this one since March, though a lot of that time did come from the fact that I took a break for a while in there.

It’s family portrait of the Hallias, when Blik and Vera were children! From left to right, we have Charm, Vera, Ulgaria, Ashley, Sorikthena, Jasmine, Blik, Rubidya, Soylent, Rhudall, Sierra, and Carrlio. I wanted to style it like an old back-and-white family portrait, and I think it worked out pretty well! The line art is a bit outdated, since I drew it at the beginning of last year, but I’m still happy with it!"

 - 2018 Brennan

Inktober 2018


"I think I might try out doing Inktober this year! No promises that I’ll be doing one every day, but it seems fun, and I’d like to at least give it a try.

What I’ve learned from this exercise is that I really need better pens, considering that the one I have only actually tracks ink about 70% of the time… And that I also need a better camera. And better paper. I think I’m just really unequipped to draw on actual paper in general, honestly."

"We’re done! It’s been a really fun time making all these pen sketches, and it’s honestly really helped me relax and decompress, even if it’s just for a little bit each day. I lagged a bit during the end of the month, and I had to play catch up some of the time, but I managed to get every one of them done before October was out, which I think is a pretty nice achievement! I’ll probably post a compilation post or something of the sort in the coming days.

Have a happy Halloween, and a good November, too!"

 - 2018 Brennan

If you're all curious, I got two drawings into Inktober for 2019 before deciding to move onto something else instead. That something else ended up being an animatic, which I thought was probably better than a series of small drawings, since I've been wanting to make more of them. If inspiration strikes, don't look a gift horse in the mouth!

Just for the sake of simplicity, I'm not gonna tag every single character that I have in this mass of pictures.