Thursday, May 28, 2020


"My player character from Starbound, Arcadia! My glowy, uptight, angry novakid. She’s got sweet copper greaves (that took an eternity to find in-game, I should add… So many wilderness biomes *shudder*) – I just went and had a field day with the shading on those, and on her scarf thing. Her game sprite is in the corner!

(A tip for anyone else who likes to play Novakids and wishes that there was more brand variety – you can just make your own by choosing no brand on character creation and then just making a brand as a custom hat using Hatter. Though then there’s the downside of not being able to wear an actual hat, I ‘spose… But you could add it into the sprite if there was one in particular you really wanted.)"

 - 2019 Brennan

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