Thursday, May 28, 2020

"Hallia Family Tree"

"This isn’t anything particularly grand, but I made a nice-looking family tree for the Hallias! (I figured this might be a good idea after accidentally giving my mom a massive headache trying to explain how they’re all related…)

For those curious, the dotted lines above the name plates mean that the person in question is desert-born (so they lack biological parents, but can still be part of a family via marrying in or adoption, or any other number of ties), the little crowns and square dealies to the left of the name plates indicate that the person was a queen / king or a Sehen, and the lines above some characters’ heads that fade out means that that person has actual parents, but I just didn’t want to bother drawing more faces."

 - 2018 Brennan

A tad outdated, but mostly accurate!

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