Tuesday, May 19, 2020

"Lilies and Arteries"

"Bludmar in her heyday. Before the whole magic thing, she was a very pretty and kind nam. She used her magic that allowed her to control and sense the contents of blood to check for diseases in her patients, and even remove them. She loved to garden, as well, and spent almost every spare moment growing and breeding flowers, specifically lilies. She even bred a new species and gave them to people as gifts. They were called "Marra lilies" in her honor (those are actually a real type of lilies, though they go by a different name here on our little planet. They're called "stargazer lilies").

Originally, there was supposed to be the current, magic-possessed Bludmar standing below her old self, with tendrils tearing off of old Bludmar's dress forming new Bludmar's blood-arms. However, I decided not to do this. Why? It looked dumb."

 - 2016 Brennan

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