Tuesday, May 19, 2020

"Beloved Queen"

"Strelkish society is interesting. Where Terrak (the one on the left that is totally mesmerized) is from, all strelks are ruled by a single leader. These leaders have exceptionally strong projection abilities. Projection abilities are split into three categories, from the most basic to the most difficult to master: communication (simply being able to send and receive mental images), empathy (being able to send and receive feelings), and suggestion (being able to alter someone else's opinion however you like, as well as go through their thoughts and memories). Every leader's skills expand into category three, as this is how they keep the society passive and pleased with their leadership, regardless of how barbaric they actually are. When the occasional dispute does arise, they shift the blame from themselves to an easy target, often someone who is visibly different from the group. As Terrak is albinistic, he is one such easy target."

 - 2015 Brennan

The whole mind-control aspect of strelkish leaders was never really explored in Things with Wings. It just didn't fit into the short story very well, and would be tough to describe with words. Most of this information is still accurate, though! Strelkish monarchs are cruel.

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