Tuesday, May 19, 2020

"Green Eyes in Ice"

"The fierce queen of the Egyptarians (no relation to Egyptians), Green Eyes. She could control the element of blue fire and use its cold to create ice, which she used to forge her own armor. However, her power became too great, as well as her desire for control, and the gods reduced her species to non-sentient shells of themselves. Green Eyes herself, though, escaped this fate, sealing herself in ice, though no more was seen of her after that."

 - 2014 Brennan

This was art for Tales from the Abyss, a game I'd always play with a friend of mine as a kid, probably ever since I was ten or so, maybe even younger! Gosh, I remember those days... That was fun. So, when you read this description, know that all of this was acted out with little plastic animal figurines and creatures made out of velvet clay. Some behind-the-scenes info for you. We were pretty metal as ten-year-olds.

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