Tuesday, May 19, 2020

"Don't Protect Me"

"Cornelius has some extremely powerful magic. So powerful, in fact, that it became a growing concern that he would end up like Veraldas and cause quite a bit of destruction because he couldn't control his abilities. Eventually, after several mishaps, the government of Teak decided that the only option would be to lock him up so that he couldn't hurt anyone, much to his family's despair. However, Cornelius' friend Tomma heard the news, and wasn't about to let her dear friend be imprisoned. She convinced him to flee with her, and the two left Teak. They manged to stay out of harm's way for quite a while, but eventually Cornelius' worst fears came true, and his magic became uncontrollable. He left a path of destruction and horror in his wake, but Tomma was convinced that all that mattered was Cornelius' safety. Even though Tomma saw no issues with her plan, Cornelius himself began to, and wondered if it would be better for him to be locked away in a cell.."

 - 2015 Brennan

I still like the frosty effect this one has going on! And the perspective isn't terrible, either. Though Cornelius' design has changed a fair amount since then, his story hasn't.

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