Thursday, May 28, 2020

Beetle Boy

"And the interesting animal sightings around my house continue!

We found this little guy jumping around in our house today! I called my dad over to look a him, we snapped a couple pictures (during which my dad so graciously agreed to having the bug sit on his hand), and let him go. Afterwords, I did some digging on what he might be, and, according to the internet, he was a brown stink bug. Yeesh. As someone with a sensitive nose, I’m glad he was feeling docile today!

It struck me as odd that he’s out and about, since it’s currently pretty cold where I live. We’ve been having some sun the last couple days, so that’s probably what woke him up. Well, I hope wherever he is, he can find a good place to winter over before it gets too cold again. Good luck, little bug dude!"

- 2018 Brennan

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