Sunday, January 8, 2023

Rimea-Marre Chapter Release: Chapter 1

 Hey guys! Chapter 1 is offically finished and fully illustrated! As you might be able to tell, I changed the visual style a little bit -- I think it's much bolder and sharper. You can read it by clicking below! 

Saturday, November 26, 2022

Rimea-Marre Chapter Release: Intermission 1



Hey guys! It's been a bit! Given the picture, you can probably deduce why, ahah. In other news, if you have any questions about cephalopod anatomy or neuromuscular junctions in frogs, I'm your man. 

Beyond all that, I've officially gotten the first chapter of Rimea-Marre posted on my website! (It's technically an intermission, not a chapter, but let's not split hairs -- it's a collection of words you're more than welcome to beam into your head with your eyes.) If you're looking for something to read and the grand artistry of famous published works aren't cutting it, you can read it by clicking below! I hope you enjoy! 

(Content warnings for joking about death/suicide.)

As of now, chapter I-1 is also complete, but needs to be illustrated (and I've noticed that drawing tends to take a lot longer than writing, so, y'know, fair warning). So, look forward to that, I suppose! Thanks for bearing with me, and have a good one.

Sunday, July 17, 2022

Rimea-Marre - Prelude



Holy heck, I finished this thing!

The first part of a long project I'm finally getting to start: Rimea-Marre! This video serves as a prologue, and helps to set the stage for what's to come... Eventually. I draw and write very slowly. But we'll get there! The project has its own page on my website, which you can view here. I'll post updates on new chapter releases on this blog, too!

 More information is in the video description, but suffice it to say: WOOOOO IT'S DONE


Saturday, June 11, 2022

Feeling Down, in Sepia


Howdy! It's been a while!

I've spent... Probably way too long working on an animation project, which is finally reaching its end! I only have a few more scenes to go, and I'm really excited to get to share it! However, since I've been so preoccupied with that, I haven't drawn a ton of other stuff... and have also forgotten to upload what I have drawn. So have one of those lost drawings! A simple Blik, looking bummed, drawn last October or so. Maybe he's thinking about how hard it is to buy gloves when you have nine fingers.

(Additionally, for those who didn't see it -- I released another set of MAP parts for Mama's Gun on Youtube! I figure most people who visit this blog know me from there anyway, but I did forget to acknowledge it here, so there it is.)

Thursday, July 8, 2021

MS Paint Tutorial

After some folks asking me about it, I now officially have an MS Paint tutorial! It's pretty basic, but I hope it might sate some people's curiosity!

You can find it here!